His Forbidden Goddaughter


To the world, I am Alberto Morello. A ruthless asshole, merciless, dangerous, the definition of death. But to Francisco Blanco, I am his brother, his best friend, the man that swore to rule the world we live in alongside him. That’s why when he asked me to be the godfather of his only daughter, Isadora, I didn’t hesitate to accept. 

I may be a coldhearted bastard to just about everyone in this bloody world, but I swore to care for that little girl as my own. What I never expected was for that little girl to grow into the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. 

I tried to fight the attraction, knowing that it was the one line I couldn’t cross. I couldn’t do that to my best friend, to his sweet girl. I am sick in all ways imaginable, and I couldn’t do that to them, to her… 

But when they both team up against me to get me to come back home after years staying away, will I be able to stop myself from falling into temptation? And if I do have a taste of the forbidden, will I be able to stop?


A dark, forbidden, age gap, father’s best friend romance.

Her Forbidden Desire


I was a fool to think that I could play with fire and not be burned. To think that once I had a taste of her, I would have been able to let go. To think that once I was all in, we wouldn’t be caught. 

The problem was that. That we were so focused on my best friend and her father finding out about us, and didn’t see what was brewing against us. Not until it was too late, and she had been taken right from under my nose. 

Now. Now, I’m out for blood. Because no one touches what belongs to Alberto Morello and lives to tell it. 

The problem is that there are more traitors than we thought, but I don’t mind bringing hell on earth to find my goddaughter. Because I. Will. Find. Her. 


A dark, forbidden, age gap, father’s best friend romance.

The Forbidden Order


If I thought I had lived through hell at the hands of my father’s enemies, I was sadly mistaken. But what did I expect when I was the mafia princess everyone wanted to take down?

What I never imagined was to do this all alone. When all hell broke loose and I no longer had Padrino or Papa to count on, I was forced to take action into my own hands. 

Things weren’t that simple though, since we lived in a man’s world. A world that only believed women were worthy in the bedroom. A world that would do anything to take me out to claim what’s rightfully mine.

But the world should know better than to tell me what to do and mess with what’s mine.

My name is Isadora Blanco Di Luca, and I will show the mafia world how much they need us women. Whatever a man can do, we can do better.


A dark, forbidden, age gap, father’s best friend romance.

Forbidden Attractions


I always knew my life would be different, since I was born into the mafia world. But I never imagined it would include being kidnapped and sold to our rivals, Los Ramos. The ruthless brothers that lead the Mexican cartel.

Now I’m stuck in a country I’ve never been to with assholes, who want to break me. Three of them to be exact. Three very attractive and dangerous assholes that happen to move more than just fear in my body. 

I hate them, but I hate myself more for falling for them. So much so, that when my family finds me, I no longer know if I want to be saved or not. 

Now the problem is, will my decisions bring more chaos between the Russians and Mexicans?


A dark, forbidden, enemies-to-lovers, reverse harem romance.

Translated Works

Su Ahijado Prohibida


Para el mundo, soy Alberto Morello. Un gilipollas implacable, despiadado, peligroso, la definición de la muerte. Pero para Francisco Blanco, soy su hermano, su mejor amigo, el hombre que juró gobernar el mundo en el que vivimos junto a él. Por eso cuando me pidió que fuera el padrino de su única hija, Isadora, no dudé en aceptar.
Puede que sea un bastardo despiadado para casi todos en este maldito mundo, pero juré cuidar a esa niña como si fuera mía. Lo que nunca esperé fue que esa niña se convirtiera en la mujer más hermosa que jamás había visto.
Traté de luchar contra la atracción, sabiendo que era la única línea que no podía cruzar. No podría hacerle eso a mi mejor amigo, a su dulce niña. Estoy enfermo de todas las formas imaginables, y no podría hacerles eso a ellos, a ella...
Pero cuando ambos se unen contra mí para lograr que regrese a casa después de años de estar lejos, ¿seré capaz de evitar caer en la tentación? Y si pruebo lo prohibido, ¿podré parar?


Un romance oscuro, prohibido, con brecha de edad, y mejor amigo de papa.